Tag Archives: catheter placement

Chemo multitasking–not so much

Well, my caregiver sister and I are settled in here in Baltimore, I got my catheter in Friday, and I started chemo yesterday. Today is day T-5, meaning that my transplant will take place on April 12.

I had been planning, once settled in, to immediately start catching up on email and blogging, but it emerges that, while the catheter placement was a walk in the park (twilight anesthesia is like the best yoga class ever), multitasking during chemo is not as easy as I’d thought. In order to keep my eating and drinking going ok (as there is some definite queasiness going on already), I’ve found it best to just read novels (or watch Downton Abbey) rather than engage in the slight amount of mental concentration involved in email or blogging right now.

All blog content copyright © 2012-2014 E. Palmberg. Guaranteed 100% brave and freaking noble.