Tag Archives: nadir

My small bit to fight individual obsessiveness/national medical costs

Although, as I’ve mentioned here and to anyone who’s asked me how I’m doing for the last five months (and a lot of people who haven’t), I’m pretty obsessed with my blood counts. So I am a bit proud of myself that today–when Dr. Virginia did not order counts for a routine checkup (because I had counts last week and will have more next week), but then said he could do counts if I really wanted to–I said no. It wouldn’t change my treatment any, and Dr. Virginia had just said he was fairly sure the Vidaza was working at least somewhat, so the mature thing was to not get more holes poked in my arms and more of society’s medical resources used up.

Of course, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the necessary medical costs I’m incurring, but necessary things are what medical resources are there for.

It’s also a drop in the bucket compared to my general obsession with my blood counts, as witness my spending way too much time this evening making a scatter chart of them. These give my counts across the 28-day cycle as a percentage of day 1 of the cycle. For cycle 3 I had to extrapolate what day 1 was, as I only had days 5, 9, and 22.

scatter chart of data cycles 3 to 5

cycle 3 = blue diamonds; cycle 4=red squares; cycle 5=green triangles. There was an extra month between cycles 3 and 4 (hence the stat for day 35).

See, the platelets have a nadir around day 16 or so, while the white counts have a nadir around day 28 (i.e., the time the next cycle starts, except in cycle 3, which had an extra week tacked onto it for Christmas). Cycle 4 (the red squares) is an outlier because that extra week let my counts come out of the Vidaza-side-effect slump. I’ve got my chart all set up to insert the data for cycle 6 and see where that goes…

All blog content copyright © 2012-2014 E. Palmberg. Guaranteed 100% brave and freaking noble.

How’d ya like *those* data?

I love data–it’s fun to hunt down patterns in them. (Yes, “data” is a plural noun–this notice brought to you by the Rear Guard Linguistic Change Resistance League). So, needless to say, I’m obsessed with my blood count spreadsheet:

Green vertical lines are the start of a Vidaza treatment--for me, that's seven weekdays in a row.

Green vertical lines are the start of a Vidaza treatment–for me, that’s seven weekdays in a row, every 28 days.

The Vidaza affects my counts in two ways. One, it demethylates my DNA so my body better fights the malignant cells that were making my blood counts fall. (I’m still thinking of this as mentholating my DNA and making it minty fresh, but I’m going to look up the chemistry any day now). The biggest disease symptom I had was lowered platelets–you can see in the lower graph that they were falling steadily before my first Vidaza treatment (the first green line), and overall they are trending back up.

The second way Vidaza affects me is by suppressing my blood counts. This gives me a “nadir,” or low point, after each treatment–in the case of the platelets, you can see that the low point is maybe 2 or 3 weeks into the four-week cycle.

But in the case of white blood cells of various kinds, the top chart, the nadir seems to be about four weeks into my four-week cycle. Every month, the white counts finally start to climb up a bit during the first week of the Vidaza treatment, then head down again as the Vidaza shots continue and the side effect gears up again.

Over Christmas, I got an extra week between cycles 3 and 4, so I could go home and visit my family for the holiday. Right afterwards, my white counts shot up–all the way into the normal range, higher than they’d been since fall of 2011. So, the good news is, that means that the Vidaza is pretty clearly working! That’s the main thing.

As I started to head towards my regularly scheduled nadir, my white counts took a plunge again. To put things into perspective, my white count low point last week was about the same as my high point the month before, so that’s not bad. Here’s the question, though: will I get a big white count peak again next week, due to the Vidaza having kicked in? Or, was the big peak made possible partly or mostly because I’d got a week off?

My counts next week will tell which is stronger, countswise: the primary Vidaza effect or the side effect. Either way, I hope I get the transplant (I’ll find out more when I go see the expert on Monday). But it would be nice to have high counts and the ability to eat salad and so forth for a little bit before I go for the heavy duty stuff.

All blog content copyright © 2012-2014 E. Palmberg. Guaranteed 100% brave and freaking noble.

Bit of a Dip

Well, I’d hoped that the fact that the Vidaza is kicking in (having its intended effect of decreasing malignant cells in my bone marrow) would overcome the fact that my blood counts normally dip in the middle of the month (because the side effect of Vidaza is to decrease blood counts). No dice–the dip, it is there:

You can see the recent dip at right, and its three predecessor dips stretched out to the left.

You can see the recent dip at right, and its three predecessor dips stretched out to the left.

Phil (the purple line) and I were still on good enough terms that I could eat some lettuce yesterday, but I should probably err on the side of caution and have a salad-free weekend.

My 28-day Vidaza nadir–it’s the new Mr. Monthly.

All blog content copyright © 2012-2014 E. Palmberg. Guaranteed 100% brave and freaking noble.